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Learn Photography
With Helen Tinner
Photography courses sussex

Workshop 1

An introduction to your camera

Has your camera been sat in a cupboard for ages, or do you want to know more about photography; perhaps with a view to purchasing  a camera.  If so, this workshop is for you.

  • Learn to comfortably hold your camera

  • Work the on / off switch

  • The 'Focus' button

We'll also look at other camera functions which includes: -


• Playback and deleting photos • Kits for your case • Filters • Camera attachments such as ‘infra-red’ • Changing image quality • Learning the difference between RAW & JPEG image

Photography courses / Photography Workshops

Workshop 2

Lens & Viewfinder

As a photographer you need to know which lens to choose before your take your photographs. Helen will show you the right one for different subjects, such as photographing people, products or landscapes. Choosing the correct type of lens means you'll avoid ugly distortion.   The lenses we'll be studying will be: -

  • Wide angle 

  • Standard

  • Portrait


Afterwards we'll look at your viewfinder to learn “how to get it right in the camera first”.   Learn tips to save your time and money by knowing what to include and exclude in your photographs.  Also we'll look at: - 

•    Focusing the viewfinder for your specific eyesight
•    Focus points within the viewfinder – what does this mean and how it’s used in the different photographic situations

photography courses UK

Workshop 3

Moving away from 'manual' to 'auto'

Whether you use a mobile phone or camera to take photos, there are three settings that you need to master.


Understanding these will enable you to move away from your auto or programme feature and let you explore the manual mode; giving you more confidence to create artistic images. The topics covered will include: -


  • Film speed (ISO)

  • Aperture (A /  F-stop) - Depth of field

  • Shutter speed (S)


Workshop 4

Composition & Cropping

We'll work through the three important formulas professional photographers use to capture their subject; these being: - 

  • Diagonals

  • Golden triangle

  • The rule of thirds

Afterwards will look at cropping, which is an extremely important skill you'll need to master.

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Workshop 5

Understanding flash 

Whether you have a detachable or in-built flash, this workshop will introduce you to all the wonderful creative possibilities available to you.  We'll look at the following: - 


  • Balancing different light sources

  • Flash V Ambient Light - be in control of your flash and produce stand out lighting effects

  • Direct of bounced flash - when to use and what effect this produces

  • Fill-in flash - how to add extra information and  interest into your photograph. When to use this to best effect

  • Increasing and decreasing the power source - how and why

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Workshop 6

Advance photographic settings

We'll look at the advanced elements professional photographers utilise which are: -

  • White balance 'WB' - working the 'Kelvin' temperature to work for you 

  • Histogram - what is it?

  • EV (Exposure Valuation). A secret mode a budding professional photographer needs to understand

1-2-1 Photography Tuition
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Workshop 7

Post Production 

Learn how to showcase your photographs by quickly turning your 'snaps' shots into pieces of wall-art or post cards you can send to friends and family.  We'll teach you how to easily master digital enhancing techniques that will give you fantastic results quickly.

Topics covered will be:- 

•    How to upload images into your computer
•    Colour temperature 
•    Exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks
•    Sharpening, softening
•    Cropping
•    Straightening
•    Vignettes
•    Exporting your images (for printing or for email)

Workshop 8

Setting up a professional studio

Helen Tinner will show you how to set up a professional mobile studio to suit any commission and space size. 

Helen is happy to use her equipment, or work with yours.


Topics covered will include: -

  • Safety

  • Tripods & weights

  • Backdrop options

  • Reflectors, umbrellas, snoots and soft boxes 

  • Three main light sources; Key light, back-light, hair light (see how they differ)

  • Using a light meter

  • Infra-red attachments

  • Remote attachments
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Workshop 9

Business & Marketing

With 30 years’ experience working as a full time professional photographer, Helen will share her  business and marketing knowledge to help you set up and continue trading as a photographer.


Here are some of the topics Helen will guide you go through:-


* spreadsheets

* marketing templates

* new business

* managing client data base

* advice on websites

* insurance

* selling your images

* printing and printers

* equipment to buy

* invoicing

* accounting systems

* social media

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Become your own boss today!

Are you ready to start a career you love?


Be your own boss

Are you ready to start a career you love working as a photographer? We will support you every step of the way.


We'll give you all the skills and knowledge you'll need to launch a successful photography business straight away.


What’s included:-

Everything that's detailed in workshops #1 -# 9,

PLUS... once you've completed these comprehensive workshops, if still have any questions or queries, Helen will be your dedicated support manager; giving you business and marketing guidance for a further three months afterwards.

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